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Introduction: According to the research that has been done in the last 10 years, over 86% of men over 30 have prostate problems.

In some cases, the prostate is on the verge of inflammation, in other cases it’s already so inflamed that it’s blocked the urinary tract, causing difficulties when urinating and ruining the person’s sex life. But even in this case, men don’t consider going to the doctor to get cured.

The reason? Everybody knows that the “classic” treatment for prostatitis is very expensive and unpleasant. You have to take lots of antibiotics and go to the urologist for prostate massages (an unpleasant experience). Even if you can handle all this, there’s a 90% probability of the disease to relapse.

Doct. Francesco Marchetti
One of Europe’s most eminent doctors.
Member of the European Academy of Andrology and Urology and of the New York Academy of Sciences. Expert in medical television programmes. Coordinator of the European Association of Laser Surgery.
Work experience — 34 years.
Corrispondent: “Doctor Marchetti, please tell us what will be the consequences of a prostatitis that hasn’t been cured and of frequent urination? Is it true that the treatment with popular methods can lead to the development of prostate cancer?”
Dott. Francesco Marchetti: Yes, that’s absolutely right. Prostatitis never goes away by itself. Over time, the patient’s condition only gets worse. If there have been difficulties while urinating, that’s a bad sign. It means that the prostate has already swollen and cancer cells can begin to form at any time. Usually, from the first problems with urination to the moment cancer starts developing (in absence of a prostatitis treatment) there are 1-1.5 years
At first the malignant tumour is asymptomatic, but afterwards, cancer cells accumulate, the tumour grows in size, and after a while the person dies. Prostate cancer has no cure.

Doctors explain the prevalence of this disease with the following factors:

  • Sedentary lifestyle;

  • Irregular sex life;

  • Bad habits;

  • Infectious diseases;

  • Genetic predisposition;

  • Stress.

Diagnosing prostatitis is fairly easy even without medical training:
The most common symptoms of prostatitis
  • Stabbing pain:
    • In the lower part of the abdomen, in the scrotum;
    • In the perineum or in the penis;
  • Problems with urination:
    • Frequent urination, burning sensation of the urethra;
    • sensation of “not entirely empty bladder”;
    • difficulties urinating (hesitant urination);
  • Problems with the sexual function:
    • loss of libido
    • deterioration of the duration and quality of the erection;
  • Problems with ejaculation:
    • premature ejaculation or problems with its fulfilment;
    • weak ejaculation
Many men live with prostatitis for years, despite the fact that the quality of their lives gets significantly worse. They don’t suspect that these discomforts that interfere more or less with their lives can lead to irreversible consequences.
Correspondent: “Then what do men affected with this disease have to do?”

Dr. Francesco Marchetti: Let’s compare two methods of prostatitis treatment.

How we cure prostatitis (or, better said, how NOT TO cure prostatitis)

The standard procedure for the prostatitis treatment begins from the moment we go to a clinic or a specialised doctor. It doesn’t matter if it’s public or private, it costs a lot either way.

In addition to the “recommended” medication, in order to alleviate symptoms doctors always prescribe prostate massage or treatment that includes the use of machines with the same function. It’s a humiliating and very uncomfortable procedure – the massage is done by inserting a finger in the person’s rectum.

The massage needs to be done in about 10-14 sessions. And each session, obviously, costs money. In other countries this type of massage hasn’t been done for 20 years, since modern remedies are capable of curing prostatitis without any other help!

How prostatitis is cured in the USA, Eu and China (or, better said, how it SHOULD BE cured)

To recover from prostatitis, going to the doctor is not necessary. Buying a remedy for prostatitis, that has proven its efficacy in the last few years, is enough. This unique product is called Vipromac. A remedy that doesn’t bring profits to the mafia of pharmaceutical companies, that gain money from people’s dependence on medicine that alleviates symptoms, but doesn’t solve the issue. They don’t want to cure the problem forever with the help of this cheap and affordable remedy.

Correspondent: “Could the situation in Italy change? Will our men be able to get rid of their pain?”

Dr. Francesco Marchetti: I believe not. At the moment, it’s impossible to find Vipromac in our country’s pharmacies. Let’s compare Vipromac with another medicine for curing prostatitis, that’s much appreciated by our local pharmacists:

Other Medicine
• Gets rid of prostatitis completely. One time for all. A single treatment.
• Gets rid of prostatitis completely. One time for all. A single treatment.
Others Effects
• Increases libido • Normalizes the functioning of the bladder • Strengthens the erection • Improves the condition of vessels
• Softens faeces • Strengthens bowel movement
Side effects, damages to the organism
• Non-existent (completely natural formula)
• Erectile dysfunction • It can cause malignant tumours to the prostate gland • Weakens the immune system • Causes intestinal disorders • Promotes the development of allergies • Causes severe pains to the stomach
How it works
• Affects the prostate in an integrated way thanks to the natural formula that contains unique extracts and provides an anti-inflammatory and empowering effect. It gets rid of the entire pathogenic flora, it improves the structure and function of the prostate. It’s recommended for chronic, acute and bacterial prostatitis.
• It temporarily alleviates pain sensations of the prostate, masking the development of the disease. After the end of the medication cycle, the disease becomes acute again.
• Natural, organic ingredients
• Contains synthetic ingredients that cause side effects

Unfortunately, we can’t hope for positive changes to happen in the context of Italian pharmacies and doctors, since the pharmaceutical business is huge and gives off profits to powerful politicians.

Fortunately, buying medicine from pharmacies isn’t necessary now. The Ministry of Health is aware of the problem with the availability of this remedy, and has decided to take care of its own citizens: an agreement has been signed with the producer that allows the sale of Vipromac at a discounted price. To order it, you just have to go to their website and leave your request. Shipping is available in almost every part of Italy, payment is done on delivery.

Correspondent: “Perfect! Thanks for the information, doctor Marchetti. Is there anything else you wish to share with our readers before we finish this consultation?”

Dr. Francesco Marchetti: The only thing I’d like to point out is that people shouldn’t be indifferent to their own lives. Prostatitis is a very dangerous disease, and with improper treatment, in 75% of the cases, it turns into a malignant tumour of the prostate. If you have any symptoms, or have already been diagnosed with prostatitis, start fighting the disease while there’s still a chance to stop it from aggravating!

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    453 Commenti

    Idowu Lawal

    Thanks for the interesting article! In this world everything is corrupted, good thing we have the internet. I ordered Vipromac. This time I’ll beat the disease!

    Hamzah Musa

    I very much agree! I bought Vipromac when I was abroad. Before, I suffered from prostatitis for about 10 years. I tried curing it, but as you already said, the treatment only gave me a temporary effect. By using Vipromac, my prostatitis has vanished completely. It’s been over six months since I’ve felt any discomfort. I could only have dreamed of such a thing before. I recommend Vipromac to all men. It will help you!

    Imam Akpan

    Thanks for the consultation. Very interesting. I’ve heard lots of things about this product. I’ll give it a try.

    Jamilah Musa

    I have the experience of treating prostatitis with this remedy. I ordered it on the mentioned website, but at the time there weren’t any special offers, the price was 3 times higher. But I’m not complaining, the main thing is that it helped me get rid of my prostatitis in 2 weeks, without any massages.

    Mansur Sani

    I ordered, it’s not difficult, I wrote my number and the manager called and explained everything. I received Vipromac after 2 days, everything’s anonymous. I started taking it. I’ll write about the results after. Thanks!

    Halimah Abubakar

    I think it may be of help to my husband. I’ll order it. Thanks!

    Jalil Mohammed

    Vipromac is the best remedy! I agree with the author of the article and with everyone who added a comment saying they appreciate it. I used it about 3 months ago. My prostatitis has vanished completely! Before, I suffered for about a year, my penis was flaccid, and I came quickly. Now everything’s back to normal.

    Khalifah Aliyu

    I read about Vipromac on the website. Impressive! I ordered it. They promised to deliver it in 5 days. Very convenient.

    Iman Hussein

    An excellent remedy, my husband got well with this product. The prostate massage is really very efficient, but it’s forbidden in case of flare-ups, and when there aren’t any strong pains, my husband refuses to go to the doctor. He used Vipromac . He didn’t need painkillers anymore, and the doctors have disappeared.

    Mahdi Isah

    I read the reviews and understood that it must be taken!

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